Double Tap

ALL HAIL THE QUEENS! – Darcel Stevens: Miss Continental Plus 2019

Interview by Louie G

This year, almost every national and international title is being held by powerful beauties of color. These sensational individuals are an amazing representation of our community as a whole and we are so proud of their wins. Long live the queens! 
As a veteran in the game, what was your strategy to capture the crown this year?
Maximize the stage during talent, go big or go home!!
Speak from the heart with authority and strength during interview. Minimize my flaws during swimwear.
Evening Gown; take a risk wear fabric that compliments my esthetics.
What was your weakest category and how did you push through it? 
Swimwear – I’m a big masculine man. I had to wear a swimsuit that highlighted my attributes; my breasts and legs. Black always is a safe color that hides flaws and keeps you looking slim.
How will you use your win to inspire other contestants to compete? 
The fact that I’m 58 years old has already inspired plus size divas who thought that Continental Plus had passed them by. Win or lose, you’re never to late to follow your hearts desire.