Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?
Not just one but I love all of the Kardashians and the Jenners. I feel I’m one of them when I’m in drag.
What’s your favorite gay lingo you use on a daily basis?
At the moment “Nyassss” is my favorite thing to say to my friends and colleagues.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person that you are interested in?
Their eyes, sense of humor and their shoes!
What’s your biggest pet peeve on a date?
I find it kind of annoying when the guy I’m on the date with wonders and or complains about the price of the food! If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my appetite!
Most hated part of getting into drag?
Uhmmm I don’t particularly hate this step but doing my eyes is definitely not my favorite.
Song playing while painting for a gig?
I play a lot of circuit music, it really gets me in the mood!
What is your go to number to perform at a last minute event?
Oh girl “Love on the brain” is my money maker. Period!
Favorite circuit party in New York City?
Ummm The Digna Party, duh!!! It happens once a month at The Ritz!
Arrive early to party or the middle of the party?
Honestly if it’s my party, early! If not, I like to arrive fashionably late.
Name one LGBT figure that’s doing great things but not getting enough attention.
My good sis Geena Rocero. She has done so much for trans representation. Please if you have a chance, watch her TED Talk titled “Why I must come out?”. Also she’s August 2019 Playboy Playmate eoowwwww
What are you working on?
I’m working on elevating myself in many levels but one of them is taking The Digna Party to other cities!