While they may not be mainstream topics of conversation or household names just yet, subscription websites like OnlyFans.com are becoming more and more familiar to LGBTQ communities throughout the world. As early as the internet existed, the monetization of sex work online has proliferated, from early porn download sites to more contemporary video sharing and modern webcam services. Selling subscription services that allow users to view videos or the watch live webcam feeds of professional or amateur sex workers has indeed flourished online for years already. So while OnlyFans and similar websites are not particularly new in concept, they perhaps offer a more user friendly and trendy vehicle for a particular type of sex work, allowing a wider group of people to use the site as content creators and consumers. Here in the US, gay men and trans women seem to be driving the growth of these apps as the landscape of sex work is changing and cultural attitudes within queer communities are shifting and evolving. In particular, OnlyFans and sites like it appear to be emerging as a path for LGBTQ sex workers of color to potentially completely revolutionize not only the nature of their sex work but also to reap unprecedented financial rewards.
Account Name/Link?
Judas King
Why did you decide to create an OnlyFans account?
I decided to create one so I could have some extra income on the side. I saw other dudes having success with it and thought, why not?
With regard to sex work, do you feel that using OnlyFans offers you more personal safety than relying on escorting or having to meet clients in person?
Oh definitely, though I think they are separate in their own ways, because you’re still having to meet with other men that you wanna shoot with but you have a little more power since you get to choose, whereas escorting is kinda obligatory to making money with having to go with the highest paying customer, who may not be your top choice.