Double Tap


Interview by Chris Cali

While they may not be mainstream topics of conversation or household names just yet, subscription websites like are becoming more and more familiar to LGBTQ communities throughout the world. As early as the internet existed, the monetization of sex work online has proliferated, from early porn download sites to more contemporary video sharing and modern webcam services. Selling subscription services that allow users to view videos or the watch live webcam feeds of professional or amateur sex workers has indeed flourished online for years already. So while OnlyFans and similar websites are not particularly new in concept, they perhaps offer a more user friendly and trendy vehicle for a particular type of sex work, allowing a wider group of people to use the site as content creators and consumers. Here in the US, gay men and trans women seem to be driving the growth of these apps as the landscape of sex work is changing and cultural attitudes within queer communities are shifting and evolving. In particular, OnlyFans and sites like it appear to be emerging as a path for LGBTQ sex workers of color to potentially completely revolutionize not only the nature of their sex work but also to reap unprecedented financial rewards.
Account Name/Link?
Hey I’m Yuri Oberon. A Brazilian guy based in Rio de janeiro.
My account is 
Why did you decide to create an OnlyFans account?
I started to use this platform when I began in the Twitter world last year.
Were you doing any other type of sex work before (escorting, porn, cam, etc)?
Yes. Here in my country, the economy is pretty shitty. I lost my regular job four years ago. After this the only chance I had to survive was the escorting. In 2017 I made my first solo porn debut.
With regard to sex work, do you feel that using OnlyFans offers you more personal safety than relying on escorting or having to meet clients in person?
Of course, I prefer to make my own work and the opportunity to make the things in my vision. But, I’m a starter here. I still need to grow my brand. Sometimes I need to still do escort work. I can’t survive just with Onlyfans money just yet. I hope one day I can live off of my movies and productions.
Were you concerned about being “exposed” or the social/cultural stigma associated with sex work/pornography? Are you worried about the effect having made sexually explicit content might have on you in later life (career, social status, etc.)?
Before this work I was a erotic photographer for five years. The cash was not good too, but I was in the same world of the people the society don’t like to be associated with. At the end of my day I need pay my bills. And I will do anything I can to survive. Of course I always try to be a good person. Today, working in a porn I can feel I’m not here to ask about the society critiques I’m here to my best art.
How do you market & promote your account? Instagram? Tumblr? Twitter?
I’m started to promote myself on my Twitter account And Instagram, but  I have lost two accounts already because of censorship.
I am a college student currently studying advertising and marketing. So, I can understand how important is to promote myself in a right way.
About how many monthly subscribers do you have?
Ohhh baby I told u I’m a starter. Ahahahha today I’m.around just 50 follow and growing. Send me good energy.  I hope this number can double by the end of the year.
How frequent do you post?
I am trying to create more and more. It’s still complicated to find time with with my normal life. As I mentioned I am finishing college. But I try to post 1 upload a week.
How has having your OnlyFans account changed your financial situation?
I think don’t change nothing yet, but will. I believe that’s it’s a important way for us, adult entertainment to have a freedom personal economy. In the USA the consumer culture accept much more better this kind of platform than here in Brazil. But the things are changing. And I’m hope about this. Hope the people star to support more workers like me.
Has having an OnlyFans account affected your dating life? Relationships? Friendships? Has it changed how you personally view sex/sex acts/sexuality for yourself?
That’s a funny thing. I have a person in my life and that’s never was a problem for us. But sometimes is a problem for the others.
Do you feel pressure to offer certain types of content to keep your subscribers interested? Nudes vs. sex acts, solo vs. partnered or group scenes, vanilla vs. fetish or more hardcore content, etc.?
Yes. All time. The follows prefer to see me with others, ok me partner out more. But sometimes I’m not authorized to show another. It’s much more easy for me to make and show self pleasure. However I’m totally open minded and love fetish.
Do you think an OnlyFans account is more worth it/better than a more traditional career in pornography with a studio?
Yes. Studios need to review their payment terms and allow actors to earn for what they produce and for the time their material will be exposed. Not just for a scene.
Do you see yourself continuing to use OnlyFans for the foreseeable future or is it something more for the short term?
I can see this. I don’t know how long this market will remain popular but I am here for it while it lasts.
Do you have any other general observations about your experience using OnlyFans?
I am thankful to having met amazing workers, fans that stay with me and support my work. I had a opportunity to make friends around the world. These are all things that are more important than money.